Personalized Health & Beauty, the new Aesthetic Science. Discover The Functional Clinical Aesthetics™ Model
On average, a person spends over $200,000 on aesthetic products and treatments, struggling to receive satisfying results.
The Functional Clinical Aesthetics™ (or FCA) is an innovative process that delivers a new model of care based on the fact that each individual is biochemically unique.
The focus is on what is triggering the imbalance leading to the aesthetic imperfections — related to skin, localized fat, hair, nails, etc. — and how to properly achieve visible, immediate and long-lasting results without requiring invasive treatments.
Current practices follow a general ‘standard of care’, assuming each customer is the same as the next. But what works perfectly for one customer might be less effective or even useless for another. There arises the need for a new way of doing aesthetics, because
“One size does NOT fit all!”The process involves the development of a personalized 1-to-3 months regimen and protocols, including the synergistic use of multifunctional organic phyto-based cosmeceuticals and supplement blends, specifically formulated for the customer’s unique profile.
Where necessary, the regimen is associated alongside a series of non-invasive beauty treatments. The primary purpose is to trigger activities of the physiological functions and lead the healing process to be ultimately effective towards the superficial aesthetic condition(s) of interest.
More about Fortunata Calorigero
Fortunata Calorigero is a modern-day scientist.
With a Doctorate Diploma in Botanical Medicine, Specialty in Aesthetics and Phyto-Cosmeceutical Formulations, she is an expert in the field of Complementary Health and Beauty Care.She has carried out several experiments and studies about the effects of personalized treatments on aesthetic conditions observed from a clinical perspective. Now her focus is placed on the interoperability of the beneficial properties from plants and other natural sources triggering those physiological mechanisms apt to restore health and beauty from within.
Before & After Results:
All the preparations are specifically formulated based on methods of assessment that include a comprehensive profile history of the customer in care, physical evaluation and biofeedback results. Relevant topics including nutrition, exercise, hygiene, environment, lifestyle and stress-management are addressed throughout the consultation process, including a meticulous case study analysis to detect underlying causes of aesthetic imbalances.