For upcoming stories, please consider Mario Verrilli’s book “The Fall Of The Hair Salon,” a hair salon bible that unveils the secrets to running a prosperous salon while ensuring a win-win scenario for owners, stylists, and clients. As President of Onaré Collective, a hair salon in Ontario, Canada, Mario gives the inside scoop on the hair industry after two decades of salon ownership, working with supermodels such as Daria Werbowy and being named Contessa’s Session Hairstylist of the Year. This book confronts the challenges faced by the industry, advocating for transformative changes to rejuvenate the profession.
After cutting the hair off of his younger sister’s doll’s hair, Mario knew he had a passion but was told ‘hairdresser’ was a poor profession. Mario launched his book to elevate the perception of hairstyling as a valid career choice and change the way society measures success.
Mario says, “COVID changed the way we do business, and the growing trend of the salon suites that lure established hairstylists from traditional hair salons represents a significant factor contributing to the disruption of the traditional salon model, exemplifying just one facet of the industry’s fragmentation. The book is like an MBA tailored to small businesses in one convenient place. It solves the problem for salon owners of not having reliable systems to create double and triple the profit, without working themselves to the bone or trading a traditional work week only to work 100 hours a week.”